Privacy Policy

Anthony G Black Privacy Policy

Client advice:

In the course of providing professional services and advice, Anthony G Black Lawyer Pty Ltd will need to acquire information about its clients and their customers, suppliers, consultants, personnel and other persons with whom they have, propose to have, or may have dealings. Anthony G Black lawyer Pty Ltd will obtain this information from a number of sources. Where reasonable and practicable, we will acquire this information directly from the individual. In other circumstances, we may acquire other information from other sources, such as the Financier, Accountant or other advisers of the individual, from other parties to the matter (or their advisers) or from publicly available records. Where relevant to your matter, we may need information about private matters, such as membership of a Trade Union, or your political, philosophical or religious beliefs. Without access to such information, we may be unable to properly represent you. By engaging us you consent to our collection of sensitive information relating to your matter.

The information we obtain is primarily used for the purposes of providing professional services and advice to you. As you will appreciate, where applicable, we will utilise this information for our internal management purposes and to communicate matters that we consider will be of general interest to you. By entering an agreement with us, you give your consent to Anthony G Black Lawyer Pty Ltd collecting, using and storing this information.

Where there are changes to any of the personal information that we have obtained, or if you believe that any personal information we hold may be incorrect, we ask that you notify the Partner or Practitioner responsible for the matter. Our privacy Policy sets out your rights to access, and if applicable, correct this personal information.

Generally, clients and former clients have a right to access information held about them by Anthony G Black Lawyer Pty Ltd on request. However, this right is limited to the extent that denying access is required or authorised under law. This includes circumstances where our retainer is terminated and we exercise a lien over all documents and securities held on your behalf until all monies due for accounts rendered, and for any other purpose, have been paid.

In the course of representing you, it may become necessary for us to disclose information to third parties. For example, we may need to disclose information to Barristers, Courts, Tribunals, Mediators, Governmental agencies and other relevant persons, including persons with whom you have, or are proposing to have, dealings or to their legal or other representatives or financiers. We may also be required to disclose information to our Auditors. Information may also be disclosed by us in circumstances where we are required to do so by law. By entering into an agreement with us, you consent to the disclosure of information to such persons in circumstances where we consider that it is necessary for us to do so.

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.) also requires that we obtain your consent to the transfer of personal information to a person who is in a foreign country, where that person is not subject to laws protecting your privacy. By entering into an agreement with us, you consent to the transfer of information to such persons in circumstances where we consider that it is necessary for us to do so.

You agree that if you provide us with any personal information (including sensitive or health information) about any individual (including, without limitation, other family members and Directors and employees of your organisation), you will have done so with the express consent of that individual or otherwise in compliance with all relevant privacy legislation.

V1 – reviewed – 20 July 2021