Family Law

With over fifty years’ experience in Family Law, we can assist in any matter that is likely to arise including:

Separation and Divorce

Separation and divorce almost inevitably result in heightened levels of stress and anxiety, and it is during this time that there is a need for level heads and cautious actions. We have had many years of assisting clients deal with not only the stresses and strains of relationship breakdowns, but also the potential complications of parenting arrangements and the resolution of property matters. Our experienced staff are committed to assisting clients through the difficult personal and legal processes that are likely to arise from separation and divorce.

Financial Agreements

Financial Agreements may be used at the beginning of or during a relationship whereby both parties enter into a formal legal agreement as to what will happen in relation to property and financial matters should the relationship end for any reason. They may also be used as an alternative to Court proceedings whereby the parties in a relationship breakdown enter into an agreement concerning the distribution of financial and property matters. Considerable care needs to be taken in the development of Financial Agreements, and we have many years of experience in assisting clients to construct effective and equitable agreements.

Dispute Resolution

In the context of a relationship breakdown, there will be a variety of matters that may form the basis of disputes and conflicts between the parties. Our primary goal is to assist our clients to minimise the level of conflict by negotiating possible options based on practical and cost-effective ways of addressing the source of any conflict or dispute. Our goal is to do what we can to settle a matter without recourse to the process of the courts and in so doing reduce the stress and costs involved.

Family Violence & Intervention Orders

Unfortunately, family violence has the potential to occur at any time in any family or relationship setting. When it does it can have devastating effects. We have experienced staff who can assist with any issues that may arise. One aspect of family violence that may occur relates to the issuing of Intervention Orders (IVOs). Whether you are a Complainant or a Respondent, the way an IVO is dealt with is important as there is the potential for it to have significant effects in relation to children, living and financial arrangements and other important matters. Our staff have extensive experience in representing clients who are dealing with an IVO, whether they are Complainants or Respondents.

Defacto Relationship Disputes

Defacto relationship disputes have the potential to raise circumstances that require careful attention in the resolution of both parenting and property matters. Although the legal principles relating to the breakdown of a marriage apply to defacto relationships after a period of two years, our experience is that there are matters that can complicate the resolution of a breakdown in a defacto relationship. In that regard, we have considerable experience in dealing with a variety of often unique and complex matters.

Child Support

Child Support is a matter that arises in relation parenting arrangements following the breakdown of a relationship. Whilst there are established processes that provide for the payment of Child Support, circumstances may arise whereby payments are either not paid, or the payments do not match the requirements of the Child Support Agency (CSA). We are able to provide assistance and guidance in such circumstances.

Spousal Maintenance

In the event of a relationship breakdown, circumstances may occur whereby one party is left in what may be a destitute state, or at least a state whereby they are struggling to cope financially whist at the same time dealing with personal and legal matters and the costs associated with such matters. In such circumstances, it is possible to make a claim against the other party for ‘spousal maintenance’. We are able to provide assistance and guidance in such circumstances.

Relocation Disputes

Unfortunately, a relationship breakdown may result in the relocation of one party to a distant location which may be within Victoria, interstate or even overseas. Where children are involved, this clearly has significant implications for any parenting arrangements and is a matter that will find its way to Court unless some agreement is reached between the parties. We have considerable experience in dealing with such circumstances and are able to provide assistance and guidance should such a situation occur.

Criminal Proceedings

Whilst criminal proceedings are more likely to occur in relation to Family Violence and Intervention Orders, they may occur in other aspects of family law proceedings. Should that be the case, careful consideration needs to be given to the matters involved and the way they are managed legally. In this regard, we have considerable experience in dealing with such matters and are able to provide assistance and guidance should such circumstances occur.

How we’ve helped

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Whatever your concerns or queries, we are more than happy to assist you to either proceed with an appropriate legal process or clarify what is needed to address your legal concerns.